Posjeta učenika i profesora IBO


Danas, 27. 2. 2006. u našu školu oko devet časova stigli su učenici IBO programa i profesori iz Italije. Nekolicina učenika naše Gimnazije bila je zadužena da im upriliči dolazak i predstavi način rada i aktivnosti škole. Predstavljen je rad mnogih van nastavnih sekcija, koje je multimedijalna ekipa propratila videobimom. Gosti su nam takođe prikazali jednu od svojih aktivnosti i segmente iz dvočasoovnog programa su ovjekovečili video zapisom. nase sekcije >>

Psiholosko istrazivanje i aktivnosti
Nakon kratkog uvoda koji su dali nasi voditelji bio je red na nas da predstavimo aktivnosti nase skole. Prva prezentacija je bila nasa. Prvo smo pozdravili goste jos jedanput a onda presli na nasu prezentaciju. Rekli smo gostima nesto o istrazivanjima koja smo radili u sklopu nase nastave psihologije. Poceli smo objasnjenjem kako je proces tekao. Donijeli smo jedno od nasih istrazivanja I koristili ga kao primjer. Objasnili smo im da smo prvo skupljali materijale I pravili kratak uvod o temi koju istrazujemo. Nakon toga smo iz tih uvoda izvlacili neke teoreme I iz teorema pravili pitanja. Odredjemin brojem pitanja dobili smo anketu koju smo raspodijelili u nasoj skoli. Nakon sakupljanja odgovora racunali smo razultate procentualnim racunanjem odgovora. Nakon te kratke prezentacije rada na anketi gostima smo jos nesto rekli o nasoj nastavi psihologije. Poslije nase prezentacije odgovorili smo na nekoliko pitanja I zakljucili nasu temu.
Srdjan Stefanovic i Srdjan Sember
II4 skolske 2005/06 godine
Uticaj SMS poruka na komunikaciju medu mladima

Sport i rekreacija – Odbojka
Moje zaduzenje je bilo da predstavim skolsku sportsku sekciju, tj. skolsku odbojkasku sekciju. Kao tim isli smo na gradsko srednjoskolsko prvenstvo u odbojci. Odlucili smo da pomognemo jos ljudi da se odluci da trenira odbojku pa smo napravili web sajt sa nekim osnovnim pravilima, potezima i drugim stvarima vezanim za odbojku. Moje zaduzenje je bilo takodje da kazem i nesto o danu Svetog Save i proslavi u nasoj skoli, kao i o mom nagradjenom eseju na temu 'Duhovnost i Drzavotvornost Svetog Save i Svetog Simeuna'.
Bojana Marjanovic
II4 skolske 2005/06 godine

Multimedijalna sekcija
Ucenik drugog razreda Aleksandar Tepic je govorio za skolsku multimedijalnu sekciju. Govorio jeo nekim skolskim aktivnostima, npr. ucesnistvo na banjaluckom sajmu knjige i 2004-ei 2005-e, kao i o web stranici koju su napravili clanovi ove sekcije i koji je pokrivao sve dogadjaje na sajmu. Takodje je pomenuo i okrugli sto na kojem su bili predstavnici svih vecih internet provajdera TEOL, Blic, Spinter i Ineco. Glavna tema je bilo uvodjenje interneta u srednjoskolsko i osnovno obrazovanje. Ovu skolsku sekciju vod i profesor Zeljko Grbic. >>
Aleksandar Tepic

Debatni klub CASTRA
Debatni klub Castra je osnovao marta 2001-e nas professor istorije Zoran Pejasinovic i od tada smo zabiljezili zadivljujuce rezultate. 2003-e i 2004-e smo bili nacionalni sampioni Bosne i Hercegovine a dvoje nasih debatanata je ucestvovalo na svjetskom prvenstvu 2003-e u Sloveniji (Marija Jokic) i 2004-e u Estoniji (Jelena Jokic).
Ucestvovali smo i na par debatnih kampova u Neumu i Sarajevu. Odrzavamo TV debate svake godine i 2005-e su nam dolazili u posjetu debatanti iz Gracanice a uskoro cemo primiti i debatni klub iz Prnjavora. Danas brojimo oko 10 clanova i svake godine se sirimo. >>

English version
On Monday, 27th February 2006, at about 9 a.m. a group of students and their teachers came to our school from the colledge in Italy which follows IBO programe. Some of our pupils were there to welcome them and depict them our school and its activities. All these presentations were followed by our multimedia crew and its videobim. Our guests made presentation to us of their school and its curriculum. They also filmed this meeting. This was a uniqe chance for meeting new people which enabled a cultural exchange. All we can say that it was both fun and useful, and that we hope to have more gatherings like this one in our school.

Psychology research and activities
After the short introduction and greetings that the hosts made it was the turn for us to present our school’s activities. The first presentation was ours. We first greeted our guests one more time and then moved on to our presentation. We told our guests something about the researches that we did as a part of our psychology classes. We told them about the entire process of making and evaluating the research. We started off by explaining how the process progressed. We brought one of our researches and used it as an example. The process goes as it follows: We collected materials and made a short introduction in the researched topic. After that we extracted some theories and made questions so that we could find out if the students agree with those or not. From a certain number of those questions we made a survey that we distributed among students of our school. After collecting those surveys we processed the results by calculating the percentages of votes for and against. We backed some of those results up with charts that we have shown to our guests. And when all of that is done we do a small resume of our work. After that short presentation of our work we told our guests something more about our psychology classes. When we were done we accepted some questions that our guests asked and concluded our presentation.
Srdan Stefanovic & Srdan Sember
II4 of the school year 2005/06
Research example

Sports and recreation – Volleyball
It was my assignment to present our school’s sports section, that is our school’s volleyball section. As a team we went to the city high school volleyball championship. We decided to help more people join our section or start training volleyball so we made a web page about volleyball where we put some of the rules, exercises and lots of other stuff on volleyball. I was also to tell our guests something about the Saint Sava celebration that we held in our school and the prize-winning essay that I wrote on the topic of 'Spirituality And Constituency Of Saint Sava And Saint Simeon' .
Bojana Marjanovic
II4 of the school year 2005/06

Multimedia group
A student of the second grade, Alekdandar Tepic, has spoken in front of the school Multimedial group. He spoke about some other activities in the school for example, the participation on the Banjaluka Book fair both 2004 and 2005, the web site made by the members of this group which was the only one that had live coverage of the all activities held at the fair. He also mentioned the round table which regaled the representatives of the four biggest ISP-s (internet service providers), TEOL, Blic, Spinter and Inecco. The main topic was introducing the internet to elementary and high school education. This school organization is led by the computer science professor Zeljko Grbic.
Alekdandar Tepic
II4 of the school year 2005/06

Debating club CASTRA
he debating club Castra was founded in March 2001 by our history professor Zoran Pejasinovic and since then we made remarkable results. In both 2003 and 2004 we were national champions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and we had 2 of our debaters participating in World Championship in 2003 in Slovenia (Marija Jokic) and in 2004 in Estonia (Jelena Jokic). We also participated in several debating camps in Neum and Sarajevo. We have TV debates every year and in 2005 we had debaters from Gracanica coming to have a debate with us and now we will host a new debate club from Prnjavor. Today we have around 10 members and are expanding every year.
Slavisa Mijatovic
II8 of the school year 2005/06

The anglistic culture group
The anglistic culture group, or as we like to call it the English group, was formed last September, under the coordination of professor Natasa Nikic. The main idea of this project is to help us, the students, in finding out more about the English language, culture, way of life and anything that we might find interesting, but we cant find in our regular classes. The meetings are held every weekend, there we can use computer, TV and video that largely helps in our researches. Since September we have had several projects like music that was the most successful one, after that we did aliens, Britain, America and some other English-speaking countries also. Mainly we do these projects like dialogue, a discussion, where everyone can participate and say what’s on their mind and what they know about the topic. The supervising professor also participates in the discussion and she helps us in finding new ideas for the research.
We had a round table where we discussed about the Youth Leadersip Programme in which we participated, and which was organised by the Goverment of the USA. That would be the most basic information about our section. Deana Racic II4, Sanja Subotic II4 and Slavisa Mijatovic II8
Of the school year 2005/06
