Njegovi golovi redovno su se nalazili na listama najboljih. Ipak jedan se izdvaja. U uzvratnoj utakmici polufinala FA kupa protiv Arsenala 1999.godine, u nadoknadi vremena, Gigs je uzeo loptu, prodriblao cijelu Arsenalovu odbranu i lijevom nogom smjestio loptu iza Dejvida Simena. To je ujedno i posljednji gol postignut u uzvratnoj utakmici polufinala FA kupa, jer se od sljedeće sezone, u polufinalu igrala samo jedna utakmica. | Gigs je dio projekta borbe protiv rasizma u fudbalu: "A lot of people don't know that my father is black. He was a professional rugby player in the area that I played as a youngster. So a lot of people who I went to school with knew who he was and knew that he was black. So I would get racist taunts in school.Looking at me from the outside, it is not very obvious, I know but half my family is black and I feel close to their culture and their colour. I am proud of my black roots and of the black blood that runs in my veins. I do not wish to hide my origins, nor do I seek to make it a subject of conversation. I am what I am" |
Na ostrvu je poznat pod nadimkom Velšansko Čudo |
Bio je domaćin emisije Ryan Giggs' Soccer Skills 1994.godine |
Gigs se spominje i u jednoj epizodi crtane serije The Simpsons | Još dok je igrao za Dean's Sports FC, poredili su ga sa Dijegom Maradonom, Džordžom Bestom i Johanom Krojfom. |
Gigs je 2002.godine postao UNICEF-ov ambasador dobre volje u akcijama zaštite djece od nagaznih mina "As a footballer I can't imagine life without the use of one of my legs...Sadly this is exactly what happens to thousands of children every year when they accidentally step on a landmine." |
Navijači Mančester
Junajteda Gigsu su pjevali: "Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs, Running down the wing, Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs, Can do anything, Feared by the Blues, Loved by the Reds, Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs, Ryan Giggs"