About the Council

The Council Constitution

Meeting rules

Structure of the Council



























Meeting rules


These rules are created in order to define the general instructions for the General Council Meetings. The primary goal of the Council is to represent the students and protect their rights and that can be achieved only through effective work. These rules are not meant to make the Council too formal, but only to standardize the way meetings are chaired since the Council Members think that sometimes unorganized meetings add to the bad reputation of the Council among students.

 The foundations of every Council meetings should be the following rules:

-  Every Council Member has the right to freely express his/her opinion.

-  Offending and slandering anybody is absolutely forbidden on every General Council Meetings and meetings of every Council-founded organisation.

-  The opinion of every Council Member is taken into consideration and all opinions are weighted equally.

-  Decisions are made by the majority, but the rights of the minority must not be violated.

-   As defined by the Student Council Constitution, every General Council Meeting is open for public.

 The Quorum for the meetings is 50% + 1 of all the Council Members (one class – one member). The Council Members have the right to leave the meeting for excused reasons, but even if such actions harm the necessary quorum, the Council President may decide whether to continue with the meeting or postpone it. If a Council Member leaves the meeting for unexcused reasons, it counts as an absence from the meeting.

 Every meeting must have an agenda that should follow this model:

-  The minutes from the last General Council Meeting.

-  VP Reports.

-  Ongoing business.

-  New business.

-  Other questions.

-  Information about the next meeting.

 The Student Council President chairs the General Council Meetings and yields the floor to the Members who wish to speak. The President has the right to make an introductory speech about every task on the agenda or give that right to a VP or another Member in charge of that tast. After the introduction, follows the discussion in which all the Council Members have the right to participate. If a Member wants to speak, he/she should raise his/her hand and the President after recognizing him/her yields the floor. It is very important to follow the rule that while one person is talking, the other listen and DO NOT talk.

 The voting on the meetings can be done by show of hands or by ballot. If the voting is by ballot, the Members vote on papers which are collected to be counted by the Council Secretary and two other Council Members who are not members of the Executive Board. When the votings is by show of hands, the first to vote are those who are in favor of the proposed decision and then those who oppose the decision.

The right to vote has the Class Representative. In case of his/her absence, Assistant Class Representative takes the right to vote. In case that both representatives are present at the meeting, the Representative (and not the Assistant Representative) has the right to vote even in cases when he/she doesn't agree with his/her fellow Assistant.



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