About the Council

The Council Constitution

Meeting rules

Structure of the Council


























The Council Constitution


1. Definition


1.1.  Gymnasium Student Council is the association of students of the Gymnasium.


2. Purpose. The Student Council:


2.1.  promotes the students' rights and interests and gives incentives to community work

2.2.  promotes the School's interests in our community

2.3.  presents the students' views to the School Board

2.4.  gives incentives for engaging students in the functioning process of the School

2.5.  informs the School Board about its views - when that is needed or when the School Board requires it

2.6.  discusses the overall students' grades and participates in preparing the school-trip

2.7.  participates in creation and implementation of projects which advance educational work in the School.


3. Membership


3.1.  Student Council is made by the Representatives of every class in Gymnasium. Those  students do not have to be the class Presidents and their election must not be limited by any other requirements, including, but not limited to their class rank.

3.2.  Each class must have two Representatives in the Student Council: the class  Representative and his/her assistant.

3.3.  In case of the Representative's absence, his/her assisent performs his/her duties.

3.4.  The Student Council Representatives and elected by the simple majority of students oftheir class.

3.5.  Term of office of the Representative, i.e. Student Council Member is one year.

3.6.  If a Student Council Member doesn't carry our his/her duties in a satisfactorily,  the iniciative for his/her impeachement may come from his/her Class or the Student Council President or the Executive Office. A member may be impeached if he/she has more than 4 unexcused absences from the Student Council meetings during one semester or if he/she has 3 or more disciplinary notices. In case of impeachment, the new Student Council Member is elected by the procedure described in the Article 3.4 of this Constitution.

3.7. Any changes related to the Council Members must be reported to the Year Vicepresident  or to the Student Council Secretary.


4. Organisation and elections


4.1.  The Gymnasium Student Council has following officers:

-      President

-      4 Vicepresidents

-      Secretary

4.2.  The elections of the officers takes place in the first week of May. The necessary quorum is the presence of 50% + 1 (one class – one Representative) members of the Council.  The voting process follows the principle one class – one vote. The presence of both Class Representatives is allowed, but one class has the right to cast just one vote. The voting is secret.

4.3.  During the elections, the first to be elected is the President of the Student Council. Any member of the Council is eligible, except for the members whose conduct level is satisfactory or lower. The President is elected by the 50% + 1 majority of the Members present.

Once the President has been elected, 3 Vicepresidents are elected – one for each year (one for the Freshman Year, one for the Sophomore Year and one for the Junior Year). The fourth Vicepresident is elected in the last week of September of the next academic year and he/she has to be a newly admitted Freshman. The VP is elected by the 50% + 1 majority of the Members present. Any member of the Council is elegibile for the VP for his/her year.

Finally, the elections for the Secretary of the Council take place. The Secretary is elected by the 50% + 1 majority of the Members present. Any member of the Council is elegibile for the Secretary of the Council.

4.4.  The President shall call and preside at the General Council Meetings and Executive Committee. The President shall oversee the operations and activities of the Council and all committees. The President shall be responsible for presenting an annual report of the Council at its last General Council Meeting before the new Council Officers begin their term in office. The President may issue disciplinary notices to the Council Members for unadequate behaviour and/or obstruction of Council's work. In case of the President's absence, the Senior Year VP takes his duties.

4.5.  Any Member of the Council may appeal to the President's or Vicepresident's decision, which can then be opposed by the majority of Members present at a meeting.

4.6.  The Vicepresident shall call and preside at the Council Meeting of his/her Year. The Vicepresident shall be responsible for presenting an annual report of the activities done in his/her Year. The Vicepresident of the Senior Year shall perform the President's duties in case of his/her absence.

4.7.  The Secretary of the Council shall be responsible for recording, posting, and filing of minutes of General Council Meetings and maintain the files of the Council. 1/3 of all Council Members is necessary for the iniciative for the Impeachment of a   Council Officer. An officer may be impeached by thr 50% + 1 majority of all members of the Council and the new election is done according to the Articles 4.2 and 4.3. of this Contitution.

4.9.  The President, Vicepresidents and Secretary form The Executive Board (EB), which holds the weekly meetings. The Executive Board creates drafted versions of the Council documents or applications for the projects and discusses important students-related issues.

4.10. The Executive Board has no right to make any decision. The EB just proposes the decisions and making a decision of any kind is the exclusive right of the Student Council.

4.11. The Student Council can form Committees for implemeting certain tasks (Committee for the humanitarian actions, Sport Committee,…). President of the Council may ex officio serve on any of the Committees formed by the Council. Committees established by the Council must operate the Council Constitution. A Committee shall present a report on its work on request of the President or The Excecutive Board or any 10 members of the Council.


5. Meetings and the decision making process


5.1.  The General Council Meetings shall take place once in two weeks and if necessary more often. The Year Council Meetings shall take place weekly or as agreed among the Representatives of a Year.

5.2.  The President calls and presides at the General Council Meeting. Special Council Meeting may be called by the President, by two members of the Executive Board, by any 10 members of the Council or by any 20 students of Gymnasium and their request must be presented to the Council President, who is then obliged to call the Meeting as described in the Article 5.3. of this Constitution.

5.3.  The Council Members and the Teacher-Coordinator must be informed about the date and the agenda of the Meeting at least three days earlier.

5.4.  All the Council Meeting are open to the Gymnasium students, teachers, members of the Parents Council or to other guests with permission of the Council President.

5.5.  Simple majority of the Members present at a meeting is necessary for making a decision, unless specified otherwise in the Constitution. The voting follows the principle one classone vote and it does not have to be secret, except when the secrecy is required by this Constitution.


6. Changing the Constitution


6.1.  One-third of the quorum Members are necessary to create an initiative for changing the Constitution. A 2/3 quorum majority is necessary for changing the Constitution.


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