Annual report
for 2005/06
Reports from meetings
September 15, 2006
September 29, 2006
October 13, 2006
October 27, 2006
November 17, 2006
December 1, 2006
December 15, 2006
Reports from meetings
29, 2006
Meeting agenda:
Report from
the Convention of the student councils in Laktasi
Visit to the Second Gymnasium Kragujevac
Election of the Freshman Class SC President
Student absences from classes
Other (HS Students Day, GSC presentation in Orfej)
GSC President informed the
Members that the conclusions from the
last meeting were sent to the School Management which has executed
our requests in a timely manner: lights in the toilets were
repaired, and better hygienic standards will be set. The Gymnasium
Student Council got a new office in the school and a computer. The
GSC expressed its gratitude.
The meeting went on with the report from the Student Councils
Convention that took place in Laktasi from 4th to 7th October. Our
representative at the Convention was Jelena Stanic who emphasized
need for regional cooperation and cooperation at the state level of
the student councils, because only united can we make our case more
effectively. She also informed the Council about the upcoming
projects for the regional cooperation.
Details about the visit to the Second Gymnasium in Kragujevac will
be known on Monday, 10/16, and the Council unanimously adopted the
principle of choosing the students who will go to Kragujevac:
"Priority will be given to: students who hosted students from
Kragujevac in May this year and who haven't participated in the
visit before May; students with special contributions to the GSC;
the most active members of the GSC." Goal of our cooperation with
the Second Gymnasium in Kragujevac and these visits is to create the
friendships between our students and students from Kragujevac, and
that's why it's necessary to avoid having same students
participating in the visits over years.
The election of the Freshman Class Student Council President was
postponed as proposed by the majority of GSC Members. The Council
requested that the GSC leadership organized a Freshman Class SC
Meeting on which the Freshman Class Representatives will nominate
person(s) they think is the best to be elected for this post.
The GSC abolished its Decision from the 9/15/2006 General Council
Meeting about termination of analysing the student absences from
classes and reached a Decision to continue analysing the absences.
Forms for analysis were handed to each Member.
Proposal to publish text "Još nešto o Savjetu…" (available on our
web site) in the school paper was unanimously accepted.
